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Interview with uTraxx about the cooperation | Zaikio Procurement

About the Interview Partner
Urs Vogel is the owner of uTraxx AG and is also responsible for the architecture of the software solutions. His experience regarding developments for the printing industry goes back to the 90s. Urs Vogel lives in the Zurich area, is interested in everything in the software industry and loves snowboarding, skiing, cross-country skiing and hiking.

We asked Urs Vogel about the challenges facing the industry, his collaboration with Zaikio and his solutions for printers as well as software and press providers in the industry. Below you will find his statement:
We became aware of Zaikio at an early stage and have followed its development. The concept of standardising interfaces convinced us. That is why the cooperation with Zaikio is a logical step for us. Real-time access is an important element of digitalisation for our AI-equipped solutions.
As an ERP supplier for the printing industry, we have a lot of experience in setting up interfaces. The costs for this have exploded in recent years, because we need more and more interfaces as part of digitalisation. For customer projects, these are sometimes considerable cost components.

A neuralgic point are the interfaces to the paper suppliers, which in part really seem like they are still in the Stone Age. Occasionally, the article database is updated, and orders are actually still placed by phone, fax and e-mail with XML attachments of some kind. This should not be the case in the age of Industry 4.0.

With the Procurement Platform, Zaikio has created standardised interfaces for all participants in the industry. With just one connection to Zaikio, we were quickly and easily connected to all participating suppliers. Our customers now have the possibility to access the suppliers' range from the uTraxx ERP and order directly.
Another neuralgic point is the eternal issue of networking production. Everyone in the printing industry knows how difficult and how expensive the road with JDF can be. One or two suppliers have a self-contained JDF-based production workflow. But this concept has its pitfalls, because third-party equipment is difficult to integrate.

We strongly support Zaikio's approach with the upcoming Mission Control to create open and standardised interfaces for production as well. In future, we will be able to connect to all participating systems without high technical effort. High costs for interfaces and the integration project are thus completely eliminated.
Our cooperation with Zaikio is uncomplicated. Zaikio, like us, has a highly motivated and agile team and uses modern standards. We are convinced of the team's concept and believe that Zaikio will sooner or later make its vision of a networked industry come true. 
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