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News: Antalis now on Zaikio Procurement

We are pleased - Zaikio Procurement customers can now order from Antalis. Printers from Germany now have the possibility to access prices and soon availability of Antalis papers and to order with just one click:

  • Direct access to Antalis papers via Zaikio Procurement
  • Direct price information for your calculation 
  • Electronic orders, without e-mails and phone calls
  • All delivery details at a glance
  • Availability information of the papers (coming soon)
  • Access to other connected suppliers

All you need to do is register for Zaikio Procurement free of charge and add Antalis as a supplier. You can start right away at procurement.zaikio.com

If you have any questions or want to take the first steps together with an expert, you can always get in touch with your contact person at Antalis or Zaikio. Simply use the chat on the bottom right-hand side of the screen. 

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