No more flying blind with your orders.

See availability and up-to-date prices in Zaikio Procurement.

Materials procurement has never been this easy. With Zaikio Procurement, you can record all material requirements in your print shop in one central place. With just a few clicks, you can view the current availability and prices of your required materials and order them directly. This saves you at least half of all previously necessary phone calls and e-mails and avoids painful errors.

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Zaikio Procurement works with all your suppliers. You can call up availability and prices directly from the participating partners and order with a click. Your agreed rates between you and your suppliers will remain untouched.

What does Zaikio Procurement offer?

Requirements planning

Zaikio Procurement connects to your MIS, production floor, and warehouse to gather all the materials you need at a single glance – whether it's a stock item or a customer's special wish.

Availability and prices at a glance

All suppliers, availability, and prices are pooled in one central database - searchable in seconds. It's time to get rid of all the manually updated and messy spreadsheets.

Direct access to connected suppliers

Many partners allow you to submit orders right from our software with no phone calls or emails. Pricing information, availability, and delivery dates are just one click away.

Your conditions remain unchanged

Zaikio Procurement acts as a broker of orders. You keep all your business relationships and existing pricing conditions.

Price queries in your MIS

Check item prices and availability while calculating the offer. Connect Zaikio Procurement to your MIS and submit orders right from your MIS.

Simplicity of use

We pay a lot of attention to the simple and self-explanatory usability of our apps. Check it out – you'll love it!

Order optimization

Zaikio Procurement lets you convert pallets, rolls, and kilograms so you will only order what you need, at the best price possible.

Never miss a beat

Orders don't stop when you hit submit. Keep track of your deliveries and receive updates whenever the status of your order changes.

Request material quickly with the mobile app for Zaikio Procurement

Works out of the box for all Zaikio Procurement users

All info in a video
We make starting as easy as possible for you!

Zaikio Procurement can be used immediately without any installation effort or training. You will be guided through the entire registration process and can ask questions at any time.

Zaikio serves only as an intermediary. You continue to order directly from your supplier at your usual conditions. You do not incur any additional costs through Zaikio Procurement. We finance ourselves through a refund from the participating suppliers.

No setup cost
No monthly fees
No installation necessary

Make it even better: connect to your MIS

Gain access to pricing information and availability while working on quotes by connecting Zaikio Procurement with your existing MIS (optional).

Your MIS is not supported yet? You can still use Zaikio Procurement today. Simply use it as a standalone tool.

Frequently asked questions
Is Zaikio the trader?

No, we are only intermediaries, not traders. All business relationships with your suppliers stay the same. We add something on top, namely a convenient user interface to manage all orders comfortably.

Who is Zaikio?

Zaikio is a modern, new company that aims to accompany print shops into the digital age. As a subsidiary of Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG, we are ideally equipped to fulfill this mission.

What happens to my data?

Data security is Zaikio's top priority. That's why you, as a print shop, always remain the owner of your data. Software partners and suppliers can only access selected data when you actively release it. Zaikio covers all European data protection regulations and only stores data that is inevitable.

What can I do if my MIS or supplier is not connected to Zaikio?

You can also use Zaikio Procurement independently of your MIS and even if your suppliers are not (yet) on board. However, we try to bring as many partners on board as possible. Feel free to ask your MIS provider or suppliers if and when they will realize a connection.

Is Zaikio Procurement really free?

Using Zaikio Procurement is completely free of charge for printers. Zaikio's business model is based on a relationship between Zaikio itself and participating suppliers. For printers, using Zaikio does not change anything in the existing business relationship with their suppliers.

What's in it for the supplier?

With Zaikio Procurement, your suppliers have the opportunity to digitalise their processes and make them more efficient. By reducing the number of analogue steps, they can save valuable time and money.

The app & data platform for forward-thinking printers
© 2025 Zaikio GmbH i. L.